{% if trace.file|default(false) %} {{ include('@Twig/images/icon-minus-square.svg') }} {{ include('@Twig/images/icon-plus-square.svg') }} {% endif %} {% if style != 'compact' and trace.function %} {{ trace.class|abbr_class }}{% if trace.type is not empty %}{{ trace.type }}{% endif %}{{ trace.function }}({{ trace.args|format_args }}) {% endif %} {% if trace.file|default(false) %} {% set line_number = trace.line|default(1) %} {% set file_link = trace.file|file_link(line_number) %} {% set file_path = trace.file|format_file(line_number)|striptags|replace({ (' at line ' ~ line_number): '' }) %} {% set file_path_parts = file_path|split(constant('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR')) %} in {{ file_path_parts[:-1]|join(constant('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR')) }}{{ constant('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR') }}{{ file_path_parts|last }} {%- if style == 'compact' and trace.function %}{{ trace.type }}{{ trace.function }}{% endif %} (line {{ line_number }}) {% endif %}
{% if trace.file|default(false) %}
{{ trace.file|file_excerpt(trace.line, 5)|replace({ '#DD0000': '#183691', '#007700': '#a71d5d', '#0000BB': '#222222', '#FF8000': '#969896' })|raw }}
{% endif %}